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Unconventional Sleep Tips: Embrace the Unexpected for a Restful Night


Ah, wonderful, restful sleep.

For some it is as easy as closing their eyes and drifting off, for others, a little more complicated. When it comes to achieving a good night's sleep, we often rely on familiar routines and traditional methods; you know, the no screens policy, breathing exercises, counting sheep... However, sometimes it's worth exploring the road less travelled to discover unconventional sleep tips that can bring surprising benefits. For those that have tried it all and still have trouble sleeping, we’ve put together a few unusual tips that might help you! 

* If you are struggling with insomnia, make sure to firstly reach out to your GP or medical practitioner to rule out any underlying health conditions or other issues. 

1. Lie on the Floor in a Different Room for 10 Minutes:

If you're struggling to find comfort on your bed, a simple change of scenery and, erm, foundation may help: try lying on the floor in a different room. The hard surface can provide a unique sensation and help alleviate any discomfort you may experience on your mattress - but if you want a little extra support you can roll out a yoga mat for some cushioning.

For added bonus, choose a cool room to amplify the refreshing effect. Set a timer for 10 minutes and use this time to focus on your breath, allowing your body to relax fully. Once the time is up, head back to bed. You may be surprised by how this unconventional approach can promote a sense of serenity and allow you to drift off to sleep.

2. Try Not to Sleep:

Counterintuitive as it may sound, deliberately trying not to fall asleep can actually help you drift off more easily. Known as paradoxical intention, this technique involves purposefully staying awake without actively resisting sleep. By removing the pressure to fall asleep, you release the anxiety and frustration that can hinder the natural sleep process.

Embrace a relaxed state of mind, engage in calming activities like reading a book, or practice mindfulness meditation. Often, the absence of effort will gently guide you into a peaceful slumber.

3. Sleep Upside Down:

For the adventurous sleepers seeking a novel experience, consider flipping your sleep routine upside down—literally! Sleeping with your head at the foot of the bed or using an inclined bed can provide a fresh perspective and potentially alleviate certain sleep-related issues. This position can help with blood circulation, reduce snoring, and ease symptoms of acid reflux. Experiment with different arrangements and find what feels most comfortable for you. You can also try moving your legs up the wall for a few minutes - just be mindful if you are sleeping with someone not to land on them by mistake!

4. Find Your Sound:

While silence is often associated with a peaceful sleep environment, some individuals find solace in the presence of ambient sounds. Experiment with different types of soothing background noise, such as white noise, nature sounds, or soft instrumental music - maybe even audiobooks read out by someone with a calming voice. These gentle sounds can create a consistent and calming surround sound that helps drown out any disruptive noise and promotes a sense of relaxation. Explore various sound apps or if you know it works for you, consider investing in a white noise machine to curate your ideal sleep soundscape.

When it comes to sleep, thinking outside the box can lead to unexpected discoveries. Trying unconventional sleep tips may help break through patterns of sleeplessness and invite a renewed sense of tranquility. Remember, each person's sleep needs and preferences are unique, so it's important to listen to your body and experiment with different approaches. Embrace the unexpected, and may these unusual sleep tips open new doors to a restful and rejuvenating night's sleep. Don’t forget though that having good morning and evening routine can also help encourage more restful sleep.

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