Embracing Intuitive Movement: Listening to Your Body

In a world that tends to prioritise structured routines and rigid exercise regimes, intuitive movement offers a refreshing and liberating alternative. It encourages us to listen to our bodies and move in ways that feel good and authentic. This approach not only promotes physical health but also nurtures mental and emotional well-being.

In this blog post, we’ll explore what intuitive movement is, its benefits, and examples of how to incorporate it into your daily life.

What is Intuitive Movement?

Intuitive movement is the practice of tuning into your body's natural rhythms and signals. Rather than following a predetermined workout plan or specific set of exercises, this approach allows you to engage in physical activity that resonates with your current feelings, energy levels, and needs. It promotes self-awareness and fosters a deeper connection with your body.

Intuitive movement is often seen as the antithesis of "diet culture." It breaks away from the rigidity of counting consumed or burnt calories and exercising solely to reduce body size. In essence, intuitive movement is about engaging in physical activity that makes your body (and mind) feel good and nourished—while enjoying the process.

Benefits of Intuitive Movement

  • Enhanced Body Awareness: By listening to your body, you develop a better understanding of its needs and limits, leading to improved overall health.

  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Engaging in movement that feels good can lower stress levels and promote emotional balance, helping you cope with daily challenges.

  • Increased Joy and Creativity: Intuitive movement encourages exploration and playfulness, making physical activity more enjoyable and freeing.

  • Improved Flexibility: You learn to adapt your movements based on how you feel, enhancing flexibility not just in your body, but also in your mindset.

  • Personalised Fitness: This approach allows you to create a movement practice tailored specifically to your body and lifestyle, rather than adhering to societal expectations.

Ways to Practise Intuitive Movement

1. Check In with Yourself

Before your scheduled exercise, take a moment to assess how your body feels. Are you raring to go? Fantastic! Feeling a bit sluggish? Perhaps a gentle yoga session would be more beneficial. Listening to your body and energy levels is key to practising intuitive movement.

2. Understand That All Movement Counts

In a society where fitness is increasingly emphasised, it’s essential to recognise that all movement matters. Whether it’s a walk in the park, a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session, or a 15-minute yoga flow, every bit of movement contributes to your wellbeing. How you move should reflect how you feel and what you wish to achieve.

3. Consider Your Goals and Intentions

The intention behind intuitive movement is to feel good, both physically and mentally. Reflect on what you are moving for. If your focus is solely on losing weight, you may not be fully embracing the principles of intuitive movement. However, if your goals include reducing stress or enhancing your overall health, you are on the right track.

4. Go Tech-Free

While technology can enhance workouts, it can also create rigidity that contradicts the essence of intuitive movement. Try exercising without your fitness tracker or smartwatch. This shift allows you to focus on how your body feels rather than on statistics or numbers, enabling you to adjust your intensity based on your needs.

5. Have Fun!

If you’re not enjoying your exercise, something needs to change. Movement is meant to feel good and boost your mood. If you find yourself in a fitness rut, consider trying something new—be it a zumba class, a hike with friends, or a different sport. Focus on how your body and mind feel, and remember that fun is an essential component of intuitive movement.

How to Track Your Progress

  • Journalling: After each session, write down your feelings and insights, noting what movements felt good. Periodically review your entries to identify patterns and improvements.

  • Movement Log: Keep a log of your sessions, including the duration and type of movement. Record how your body and mind felt before and after to track your progress.

  • Set Intentions: At the beginning of each week or month, set intentions for your practice. Regularly assess your progress and adjust your goals as needed.

  • Body Awareness Check-Ins: Periodically check in with your body to note changes in flexibility and comfort. Incorporate mindfulness practices to deepen your connection to your body.

Intuitive movement is a liberating practice that encourages you to listen to your body and move in ways that feel authentic and joyful. By embracing this approach, you can cultivate a deeper connection with yourself, enhance your physical and emotional wellbeing, and discover the joy of movement. So, the next time you feel the urge to move, take a moment to tune in to your body.

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